Living Boldly Creating Freely

I love all things creative and am having an exciting time creative adventuring! So here, I’ll be sharing my thoughts, experiences, and insights about everything I do. I write novels, podcast about creativity, interview inspiring creatives, mentor budding novelists, speak as the Creative Adventurer, and spend my time exploring my own creative expressions in multiple forms. 

From overcoming obstacles and the advice from my podcast guests to the fascinating research articles I discover, I’ll be writing about anything that inspires me or catches my curiosity—nothing is off-limits! I’ll also be sharing my favourite books, podcasts, and people – if something is good you’ll hear about it! 

If you enjoy a post, sign up below to get the latest updates and be the first to hear about my next adventure. 

About Nikki Vallance – The All Rounder

About Nikki Vallance – The All Rounder

Who wants to be an allrounder? Back in school, my form tutor once wrote: "If Nikki were a cricketer, she would be called Ian Botham. One of the best allrounders we’ve ever had." Sounds lucky, right?...

Exploring other creative expressions

Work as an author, writing advice and tips

My journey from reader to writer

Anything related to the novel 

Anything podcast related 

Living life and having fun